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When the bleeding started, you had assumed it was a minor irregularity and that your body would return to normal after a few days, considering you were one of those whom your fellow women had labelled "God's favourite". You bled for three days, no cramps, no aches, no bloating, nothing! This time around it was different though, your insides were being pricked by pins, the pain had you tumbled over. No remedy, no cure, brutality so raw it demanded to be felt! You couldn't sleep it away, wish it away or even pray it away.   You had a deep-seated dislike for hospitals. The smell of disinfectant mixed with soap, white walls, crispy clean sheets, nurses in scrubs and crocs. Patients waiting to see the doctor like criminals waiting to receive a jail sentence. The uncertainty that comes with the visit, the machines beeping at intervals. Death lurking under staircases and on quiet corridors. The doctor; a funny looking man in his late 40's  looks you over as i

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